It is said that logic has preceded human existence way before people could even define the word ‘ logic ‘ . Anything that doesn’t have scientific backing is unproven or uncertain. There is a grey area where science hasn’t been able to penetrate fully, and that area has dictated human way of life for centuries. Blasphemy or hurting ones religious sentiments isn’t the aim of this contemplation, rather it delves deeper into the inquiries of human surrounding. Who am I ? - Religion, A Question of Identity I am a Hindu woman married into a Hindu household. Mostly, I am seen upholding the religious values of either side of the family. Every time I stand with a thaali in my hand, I look up to the Godly figures in hope that one day I would reconcile with my conflicted feelings. This duality in existence is rather tiring. The day-to-day existence of pretence has often been casually dubbed as hypocrisy while being blind to the threat that comes with being or speaking differently. I re...