

THIS IS MY FIRST BLOG!  IT'S TO GOING TO BE READ BY MANY( I HOPE SO WHILE CHUCKLING INSIDE!!) IT IS NO LONGER GOING TO REMAIN IN THE PAGES AND LANGUISH WAITING TO SEE THE LIGHT OF THE DAY. The literature of the seven continents or say the world literature has been fascinating me since the second year of my undergraduate degree. I love discussing and relating the pieces of writings with the affairs of the world.  My aim behind starting a blog is to chisel and give direction to my unshaped ideas. My writing is a medium to connect with the outside world- THE NETIZENS! I want to kindle the light of literature in every remote corner. I want it to share as much space as the news of reel life celebrities or a fiery political debate in any household.  I have always tried to push beyond the drawn boundaries of literature. I am from India, but my purview isn't Indian Literature only. My eyes and ears stretch to the literature of seven continents.  Writing fascinates me. The cr...